Initiation at the Soquel Seva Ashram
May 29, 2009
Photos courtesy of B. C. Parvat Maharaj and Siddhanti Maharaj ::: Click on the pictures for larger view (you must have javascript enabled)

Sripad Janardan Maharaj performs the Hari Nam initiation ceremony on behalf of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Goswami Maharaj

Mica becomes Susmita Devi Dasi.
Sripad Janardan Maharaj gives guidance on chanting and the meaning of taking initiation.

The devotees gather to witness the auspicious ceremony......

and welcome our new family member.
I worship the holy lotus feet of he who perfectly fulfills the most cherished wish of his divine master; who is adorned resplendently with the blessings of his guru-varga; who is adept in all Vedic conception, both conceivable and inconceivable; who is the faithful follower in the line of Sri Rupa; who is know as Srila Govinda Maharaja; whose beautiful divine figure revels in the mellows of divine love; who is the guru of the entire universe and the bestower of the seed of divine love for the Supreme Lord.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare